
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

IN-ORG.CHEMISTRY A (अकार्बनिक रसायन १)

Acetoacetic-Ester Condensation
Claisen Condensation

The Claisen Condensation between esters containing α-hydrogens, promoted by a base such as sodium ethoxide, affords β-ketoesters. The driving force is the formation of the stabilized anion of the β-keto ester. If two different esters are used, an essentially statistical mixture of all four products is generally obtained, and the preparation does not have high synthetic utility.
However, if one of the ester partners has enolizable α-hydrogens and the other does not (e.g., aromatic esters or carbonates), the mixed reaction (or crossed Claisen) can be synthetically useful. If ketones or nitriles are used as the donor in this condensation reaction, a β-diketone or a β-ketonitrile is obtained, respectively.
The use of stronger bases, e.g. sodium amide or sodium hydride instead of sodium ethoxide, often increases the yield.
The intramolecular version is known as Dieckmann Condensation.

Mechanism of the Claisen Condensation


Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis

When α-keto acetic acid is treated with one mole of a base, the methylene group which is more acidic reacts with the base. And the reaction with an alkylation reagent gives alkyl products attached to methylene. When this reaction is repeated in the next step, the other hydrogen can also react to a dialkyl product. The two alkylation agents may be the same or different (R',R'').
β-Keto esters tend to decarboxylate after hydrolysation to β-keto carboxylic acid and heating to give one or two alkyl-substituted ketones, respectively.

If two equivalents of a strong base are added in the first step, the hydrogen of the more acidic methylene group, and in the next step the hydrogen of the methyl group (ambident nucleophiles), reacts with the base. The hydrogenated methyl group is, however, more acidic than the hydrogenated methylene group. The reaction with alkylation agent in the following step gives a product substituted at methyl group. This can be synthetically used to prepare selectively ketones of different types.

Acyloin Condensation

The bimolecular reductive coupling of carboxylic esters by reaction with metallic sodium in an inert solvent under reflux gives an α-hydroxyketone, which is known as an acyloin. This reaction is favoured when R is an alkyl. With longer alkyl chains, higher boiling solvents can be used. The intramolecular version of this reaction has been used extensively to close rings of different sizes, e.g. paracyclophanes or catenanes.

If the reaction is carried out in the presence of a proton donor, such as alcohol, simple reduction of the ester to the alcohol takes place (Bouveault-Blanc Reduction).
The Benzoin Condensation produces similar products, although with aromatic substituents and under different conditions.
When the acyloin condensation is carried out in the presence of chlorotrimethylsilane, the enediolate intermediate is trapped as the bis-silyl derivative. This can be isolated and subsequently is hydrolysed under acidic condition to the acyloin, which gives a better overall yield.

Mechanism of Acyloin Condensation


Alder-Ene Reaction
Ene Reaction

The four-electron system including an alkene π-bond and an allylic C-H σ-bond can participate in a pericyclic reaction in which the double bond shifts and new C-H and C-C σ-bonds are formed. This allylic system reacts similarly to a diene in a Diels-Alder Reaction, while in this case the other partner is called an enophile, analogous to the dienophile in the Diels-Alder. The Alder-Ene Reaction requires higher temperatures because of the higher activation energy and stereoelectronic requirement of breaking the allylic C-H σ-bond.
The enophile can also be an aldehyde, ketone or imine, in which case β-hydroxy- or β-aminoolefins are obtained. These compounds may be unstable under the reaction conditions, so that at elevated temperature (>400°C) the reverse reaction takes place - the Retro-Ene Reaction.
While mechanistically different, the Ene reaction can produce a result similar to the Prins Reaction.

Mechanism of the Alder-Ene Reaction

Also like the Diels-Alder, some Ene Reactions can be catalyzed by Lewis Acids. Lewis-Acid catalyzed Ene Reactions are not necessarily concerted (for example:

Aldol Addition
Aldol Reaction

'Aldol' is an abbreviation of aldehyde and alcohol. When the enolate of an aldehyde or a ketone reacts at the α-carbon with the carbonyl of another molecule under basic or acidic conditions to obtain β-hydroxy aldehyde or ketone, this reaction is called Aldol Reaction.

Mechanism of the Aldol Addition

Under conditions of kinetic control, the mixed Aldol Addition can be used to prepare adducts that are otherwise difficult to obtain selectively. This process begins with the irreversible generation of the kinetic enolate, e.g. by employing a sterically hindered lithium amide base such as LDA (lithium diisopropylamide). With an unsymmetrically substituted ketone, such a non-nucleophilic, sterically-demanding, strong base will abstract a proton from the least hindered side. Proton transfer is avoided with lithium enolates at low temperatures in ethereal solvents, so that addition of a second carbonyl partner (ketone or aldehyde) will produce the desired aldol product.


Appel Reaction

The reaction of triphenylphosphine and tetrahalomethanes (CCl4, CBr4) with alcohols is a ready method to convert an alcohol to the corresponding alkyl halide under mild conditions. The yields are normally high.

This reaction is somewhat similar to the Mitsunobu Reaction, where the combination of a phosphine, a diazo compound as a coupling reagent, and a nucleophile are used to invert the stereochemistry of an alcohol or displace it.

Mechanism of the Appel Reaction

The reaction proceeds by activation of the triphenylphosphine by reaction with the tetrahalomethane, followed by attack of the alcohol oxygen at phosphorus to generate an oxyphosphonium intermediate. The oxygen is then transformed into a leaving group, and an SN2 displacement by halide takes place, proceeding with inversion of configuration if the carbon is asymmetric.

Aldol Condensation

In some cases, the adducts obtained from the Aldol Addition can easily be converted (in situ) to α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds, either thermally or under acidic or basic catalysis. The formation of the conjugated system is the driving force for this spontaneous dehydration. Under a variety of protocols, the condensation product can be obtained directly without isolation of the aldol.
The aldol condensation is the second step of the Robinson Annulation.

Mechanism of the Aldol Condensation

For the addition step see Aldol Addition


Arbuzov Reaction
Michaelis-Arbuzov Reaction

The reaction of a trialkyl phosphate with an alkyl halide to produce an alkyl phosphonate. The first step involves nucleophilic attack by the phosphorus on the alkyl halide, followed by the halide ion dealkylation of the resulting trialkoxyphosphonium salt.
This reaction sees extensive application in the preparation of phosphonate esters for use in the Horner-Emmons Reaction.

Mechanism of the Arbuzov Reaction


Arndt-Eistert Synthesis

The Arndt-Eistert Synthesis allows the formation of homologated carboxylic acids or their derivatives by reaction of the activated carboxylic acids with diazomethane and subsequent Wolff-Rearrangement of the intermediate diazoketones in the presence of nucleophiles such as water, alcohols, or amines.

Mechanism of the Arndt-Eistert Synthesis

In the first step of this one-carbon homologation, the diazomethane carbon is acylated by an acid chloride or mixed anhydride, to give an α-diazoketone. The excess diazomethane can be destroyed by addition of small amounts of acetic acid or vigorous stirring. Most α-diazoketones are stable and can be isolated and purified by column chromatography (see recent literature for specific methods).

The key step of the Arndt-Eistert Homologation is the Wolff-Rearrangement of the diazoketones to ketenes, which can be accomplished thermally (over the range between r.t. and 750°C [Zeller,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 1975, 14, 32. DOI]), photochemically or by silver(I) catalysis. The reaction is conducted in the presence of nucleophiles such as water (to yield carboxylic acids), alcohols (to give alcohols) or amines (to give amides), to capture the ketene intermediate and avoid the competing formation of diketenes.

The method is widely used nowadays for the synthesis of β-amino acids. Peptides that contain β-amino acids feature a lower rate of metabolic degradation and are therefore of interest for pharmaceutical applications.

Click Chemistry
Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition

"Click Chemistry" is a term that was introduced by K. B. Sharpless in 2001 to describe reactions that are high yielding, wide in scope, create only byproducts that can be removed without chromatography, are stereospecific, simple to perform, and can be conducted in easily removable or benign solvents. This concept was developed in parallel with the interest within the pharmaceutical, materials, and other industries in capabilities for generating large libraries of compounds for screening in discovery research. Several types of reaction have been identified that fulfill these criteria, thermodynamically-favored reactions that lead specifically to one product, such as nucleophilic ring opening reactions of epoxides and aziridines, non-aldol type carbonyl reactions, such as formation of hydrazones and heterocycles, additions to carbon-carbon multiple bonds, such oxidative formation of epoxides and Michael Additions, and cycloaddition reactions.
For example, an examination of the azide-alkyne cycloaddition shows that it fulfills many of the prerequisites. Many of the starting monosubstituted alkynes and organic azides are available commercially, many others can easily be synthesized with a wide range of functional groups, and their cycloaddition reaction selectively gives 1,2,3-triazoles.

Unfortunately, the thermal Huisgen 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of alkynes to azides requires elevated temperatures and often produces mixtures of the two regioisomers when using asymmetric alkynes. In this respect, the classic 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition fails as a true click reaction. A copper-catalyzed variant that follows a different mechanism can be conducted under aqueous conditions, even at room temperature. Additionally, whereas the classic Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition often gives mixtures of regioisomers, the copper-catalyzed reaction allows the synthesis of the 1,4-disubstituted regioisomers specifically. By contrast, a later developed ruthenium-catalyzed reaction gives the opposite regioselectivity with the formation of 1,5-disubstituted triazoles. Thus, these catalyzed reactions comply fully with the definition of click chemistry and have put a focus on azide-alkyne cycloaddition as a prototype click reaction.

Mechanism of the Huisgen Azide-Alkyne 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition

For the mechanism, please refer to the text on 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. This reaction is highly exothermic, but the high activation barrier is responsible for a very low reaction rate, even at elevated temperature. Another drawback is the formation of regioisomers, as the two possible HOMO-LUMO interactions of the substrates are closely related in terms of energy. The thermal reaction therefore often gives approximately 1:1 mixtures of both the 1,4-substituted and the 1,5-substituted regioisomers.


Azo Coupling

Azo coupling is the most widely used industrial reaction in the production of dyes, lakes and pigments. Aromatic diazonium ions acts as electrophiles in coupling reactions with activated aromatics such as anilines or phenols. The substitution normally occurs at the para position, except when this position is already occupied, in which case ortho position is favoured. The pH of solution is quite important; it must be mildly acidic or neutral, since no reaction takes place if the pH is too low.

Mechanism of Azo Coupling


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