
Friday, June 8, 2012

question paper 1

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ekWMy iz’u i= (Model Question Paper)
Class 12th
Subject:- General English
Time:- 3 Hours
Maximum Marks :- 100
Instruction :-1. Attempt all the questions:
2. Answer question no. 1 in one word.
3. Answer question no. 2-13 in about two or three sentence.
4. The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Ques 1:- Answer the following questions in one word .
i. What was inside the brass ghurras ? (1)
ii. Who was the model as the hermit miner ? (1)
iii. What was the name of Elias’s wife ? (1)
iv. What inspires men of action? (1)
Ques 2:- Why was Ross discovery glorious and memorable? (3)
Ques 3:- Why did it become difficult for Jagannath to live in the empty house
without Gokul ? (3)
Ques 4:- What remarkable thing did Behrman do during the night? (3)
Ques 5:- How did Velan serve the plants and what did he whisper to them? (3)
Ques 6:- ‘And the hammer fell’ says the narrator, what does he mean? (3)
Ques 7:- What does the word ‘theme’ in paragraph 1 in the lesson ‘The Heritage of
India refer to ? What did Ram Mohan Roy advocate ? (3)
Ques 8:- What are the two groups of ideas that have helped mankind ? (3)
Ques 9:- What do you mean by Human Rights? (3)
Why did the hostess prepare a note for the visitors ?
Ques 10:- What is the real end of life? (2)
Ques 11:- Why is the bright coloured cloth being woven in the evening ? (2)
Ques 12:- What is mental agony of Milton ? (2)
Ques 13:- What do children expect middle aged mother to do ? (2)
What is the bliss of solitude in the poem ‘The Daffodils’ and why ?
Ques 14:[A] Match the words in column A with their meaning in cloumn B - (5)
Column A Column B
i. Hectic a. A trip made for pleasure
ii. weed b. Living in the same age
iii. Excursion c. Full of excitement and without rest
iv. Contemporary d. To call some body by hand
v. Beckon e. Unwanted wild plants
Ques 14:[B] Do as directed :- (5)
i. The Science of man, his beginning and his development.
(Give one word)
ii. Write antonyms of word- Humiliation
iii. Make noun from the given verb-- Pollute
iv. Find the odd word outbrawl,
quarrel, dispute, treaty
v. Separate the base word and the suffix from the word - gradually.
Ques 15- Fill in the blanks with suitable word choosing from those given within
bracket (5)
i. I didn’t buy ________honey.
(any, many, some , few)
ii. I saw _____ elephant yesterday. (a, an, the)
iii. She _______ go to the temple every morning in her chilhood.
(dare, used to, ought to)
iv. The officer goes to Hydrabad ______train. (to, by, with)
v. May is _______ than April.
(hot, hotter, hottest)
Ques 16:- Do as directed. (5)
i. The shops were closed and we could not buy anything.
(Divide the sentence into two sentences and identify them as subordinate
or co-ordinate)
ii. I request your help.
(change the simple sentence to complex sentence with noun clause)
iii. She is very beautiful. She attract everybody.
(Combine the two simple sentence into complex sentence )
iv. If you are honest, you will get respect.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘unless’ in place of ‘If’.)
v. The sun is so bright that we can’t look at it.
(pick out the adverbial clause in the sentence)
Ques 17:- Do as directed. (5)
i. I offered him a chair. (change the voice)
ii. The teacher said to the pupils, “Have you done all the sums”?
(change into Indirect form of speech)
iii. I________ him________ go to school.
(make the causative sentence using ‘made’)
iv. The poor little boy wished that he had been a prince.
(change the sentence into direct form of speech.)
v. The miners are convinced that there is gold in these hills but they (search)
for six months but (not see) any sign of it.
(put the verbs in brackets into correct tense Present perfect or Present
perfect continious)
Ques 18:- Write an essay in about 200 words on any one of the following topics:-
i. Enviroment Pollution
ii. Green planet
iii. Unemployment problem
iv. Advantage of games and sports.
Ques 19:- Write an application to the collector, Bilaspur regarding repair of street
lights as antisocial elements are causing problem to women due to
darkness on the road.
Write a letter of congratulations to your friend Anish on passing the
examination. You are Praneet Sao, living at Q. No.7/23, Sector-4, Bhilai.
Ques 20:[A]-Find the errors in each line and write the correct words in the space
given- (5)
The taming for domestic animals must have _______
make life more pleasant and more secure_________
A utility of animal was not_________
foreseen . But people attempted to tame_______
whatever animal their religion teach them to worship________.
Ques 20:[B]-Make a precis of the following passage22
The ganga is specially the river of India, beloved of her people,
round which are inter twined racial memories, her hopes and fears, her
songs of triumph, her victories and defeats. She has been a symbol of India’s
age-long culture and civilization, ever changing, ever flowing, yet ever
the Ganga . She reminds me of the snow-covered peaks and the deep valleys
of the Himalayas, which I have loved so much, and of the rich and vast
plans below, where my life and work have been cast. Smiling and dancing
in the morning sunlight and gloomy and full of mystery as the eveing
shadows fall; a narrow, slow and graceful stream in winter , a vast roaring
thing during the mansoon, broad bosomed almost as the sea, and with
something of sea’s power to destroy, the Ganga has been to me a symbol
and memory of the past of India, running into the present and flowing on
to the great ocean of the future. Although I have discraded much of past
tradition and custom and am anxious that India should rid herself of all
shackles that bind and constrain her, divide her people, and suppress vast
numbers of them, and prevent the free development of the body and the
spirit, though I seek all this, yet I do not wish to cut myself off from the
past completely.
Ques 21:- Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at
the end : (5)
Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor
beneath them. He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo’s Moses beard
curling down from the head of a satyr along the body of an imp. Behrman
was a failure in art. Forty years he had wielded the brush without getting
near enough to touch the hem of his Mistress’s robe. He had been always
about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it . For several years
he had painted nothing except now and then a daub in the line of commerce
or advertising. He earned a little by serving as a model to those young
artists in the colony who could not pay the price of a professional. He
drank gin to excess and still talked of his coming masterpiece. For the
rest he was a fierce little old man, who scoffed terribly at softness in
anyone and who regarded himself as especial mastiff-in waiting to protect
the young artists in the studio above.
Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of Juniper berries in
his dimly-lighted den below. In one corner was a blank canvas on an easel
that had been waiting there for twenty-five years to receive the first line
of the masterpiece. She told him of Johnsy’s fancy and how she feared she
would indeed, light and fragile as a leaf herself, float away when her slight
hold upon the world grew weaker.
i. Write the name of the lesson and writer from which the passage
has been taken ?
ii. Describe Behrman’s physical appearance from the passage ?
iii. Write the meaning of the wordsa)
Imp b)Easel
iv. Make your own sentence to describe the meaning of the worda)
Fragile b) Terrible
Ques 22:- Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given
below- (8)
Sucess in your life depends largely on good health. Keep your body
fit by cleanliness, fresh air, regular habits and suitable recreations, make
yourself strong to play games and to do it in every sense of the word.
Avoid anything that will sap your strength. Smoking in your youth stunts
the body and clouds the brain. Be temperate in all things and beware of
drink.It is the deadly enemy of health and efficiency. Above all, remember
that your character is a priceless possession. Therefore keep it
untarnished. Be truthful in all things, courteous and cosiderate to
everybody, fair to your rivals, kind and helpful to all who are weak and
suffering and do not be afraid to have the courage to stand up for what is
good, pure and noble.
i. How can we maintain good health ?
ii. What things should we avoid ?
iii. What traits of character should we cultivate ?
iv. Give a suitable heading to the above passage.

By which process, Sperm is formed ?

What is Ageing ?

Who propounded “one gene one engyme Hypothesis ?

When and why “world AIDS day” is observed ?

Explain cyclic photophosphorylation.

What is Haemodialysis ? Write its importance.

What is villi ? Where they are found and what is their functions ?

Draw a well labelled diagram of T.S. of human ovary. 1+1+1

Write any three differencess between Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis.

Write any three similarties between Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis.

Write the medicinal importance of Jetropha and White Raddish (Safed

Write the name of three species of honeybee. (one each 1x 3=3)

Draw a well labelled diagram of V.S. of human skin.

What do you mean by reflex action ? Explain it with the example.

What is called heredity ? Write the mendal’s laws of inheritance. 1+1+1+1

Draw a well labelled diagram of the structure of D.N.A.

Explain Sex determination process in human being with the help of

Explain the nervous and chemical regulation of the respiration.

Write any four functions of blood circulatory system.

What is called Genetic engineering ? Give its contribution in the field of
industries and medical.

Explain about any one flower of the family "solanaceae" in semitechnical
language. Write its floral formula and floral diagram.

What is called non mendalian inheritance ? Explain it with the help of
incomplete dominance and co-dominance.

What is genetic code ? Write its four characteristics ?

What is Kreb’s Cycle ? Explain it with ray diagram.

What is Glycolysis ? Explain it with the help of ray diagram.

How Leprosy is caused ? Write the symptoms and control measures of
the diseases.

Write the causes, symptoms and control measures of the disease

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